Bartender Competition Finals

237 Photos

Bartender Competition Finals

8th Ave Tiki Bar



One Life Photography

10 week Bartender challenge came to an end, 7 of the best bartenders competed for a final prize of $1000 and title of the best bartender on the beach. This was night full of fun and tasty drinks. Bartender competition will be back in the Fall and it will be better and bigger. Special thanks to the official sponsor of the competition Blu Energy drink and Frankie Day. March 26, 2013, 8th ave Tiki Bar in Myrtle Beach, SC. Photos by One Life Photography and Victor Beloded ( **** Pics are free with the watermark, not to be reprinted without a prior agreement with One Life Photography. If you would like to purchase any of the pictures please contact Victor Beloded 843-222-1352 ******

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