Carroll & Kasper

54 Photos

Carroll & Kasper

Hard Times

Hard Times Cafe

Fredericksburg VA USA



Daniel Poznanski

**DJ BILL CARROLL & DJ KID KASPER** TONIGHT, FRIDAY, MAY 8TH!! (it’s rumored that dj tony b will swing by)
Don’t miss the very best hitting the stage at Hard Times Cafe – Four Mile Fork… DjKid Kasper, DJ Bill Carroll… we’re ready to put on a show like no other! Retro, Today’s music, your requests played on their amazing sound & lighting system! Incredible bartenders/servers to take care of you off the dance floor and 2 amazing entertainers to take care of you ON the dance floor! Don’t miss this tonight!! Starting at 9pm!” Photos by Staticdischarge Photogrphy/Daniel Poznanski **pics are free just dont crop the watermark**

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