Touring-Minivans & Fast Food

36 Photos

Touring-Minivans & Fast Food

Winter Music Conference

Deauiville Beach Resort

Miami, FL USA



Eric A. Milbourne

You’ve created your album, so now what? Time to take it on the road! Do you need an agent, a manager and a tour manager to help you get your music to the masses? Minivans and fast food, long days and little sleep are all dues you pay in the beginning of your career. Knowing your markets, where you are getting the most exposure and high social media traffic can help you decide what cities to take your tour to. Knowing the current trends in staging, lighting and sound can be essential in producing a great experience for your audience and ensuring returning fans in the future! Moderator: Patrick Whalen**photos by Eric M**IG: Eric_ThePhotographer**photos are free as long as you keep the logo

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