SHAZAM! The Art of Predicting #1 Songs

Shazam toots its own horn: ‘We can predict 33 days out what song will go to #1 in the Billboard charts in the US’

Lizzie Renck

Shazam VP Cait O’Riordan made the grandiose claim that the company “Can predict 33 days out what song will go to #1 in the Billboard charts in the US.” She points to Clean Bandit as a prime example, who had “the most Shazams of any single in the whole of the world in 2014.” Delving further into the numerical evidence of their unprecedented success, O’Riordan points to a line graph that shows “Rather Be’s” rise in the UK at the tail end of 2013 and in Europe and the US toward the beginning of 2014.

Image: Shazam corporate logo

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