Miami Douchebaggery Hits a New Low

Downtown Clubbers Say Bouncer Forced Them To Buy Back-Alley Pants

Those of us who attend WMC/Ultra know that Miami can be a magical place. Unfortunately, sometimes the magic can come to a screeching halt when greed inspires the worst of club-thug behavior at the door. Check out this article by Michael Miller:

“Music is a powerful thing. It can help us fall in love, inspire us to athletic feats, and prompt white men to move their creaky Caucasian hips. But for one group of tourists, their dedication to seeing a DJ downtown during Ultra weekend led to a nightmarish ordeal outside Club Space. Despite already having $45 tickets, they say they were forced to wait for two hours, beg half a dozen bouncers, and — yes, really — buy pants out of some dude's trunk to get into the chichi club….''

To read the rest of this story on Miami New Times

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