Surf Fest in Hawai'i Could Actually Be Held near a Good Surf Spot, Don

Note from Mickey Weems, editor: Spiritually Surfing is another former Myrtle Beach lifeguard, just like myself and Mike “Beachmonkey” Luczaj, but who worked for the wrong beach service (joke). Please welcome him, and enjoy his latest rant from the Aloha State.

Ok. Just read about the upcoming Kona Surf Film Fest December 7 & 8. I'm a bit confused as to why they would hold this event at place where it's a 30-45 min drive (one way) out of Kona up to the Kohala coast, to a place where there is NO SURF, EVER. Why not call it the “Kohala We Wish There Was Surf Film Fest”?

There are so many kids who are going to miss out on this event!

I am a die-hard surfer and I don't even want to drive all the way to the Mauna Lani “tourist compound” (no offense) to see it. They (whoever “they” are) should do something to support to local surf scene rather than support the tourist's instant gratification needs.

***I Love You Hawaii!!***

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