The Best Universities for Electronic Dance Music

Photo: University of Southern California

College. That beautiful time between the awkward optimism of high school and the crushing defeat of adulthood. It's four years of finding yourself (or destroying as many brain cells as you can before you have to start paying actual taxes). Choosing where to go is as important as choosing which festival to go to each summer (and almost as expensive). At THUMP, we know how to prioritize. Forget quality of professors, class sizes, cost, and graduation rates. The top three priorities in choosing a university are untz, untz, and untz.

We sent a top notch team of researchers deep into the internet and across the continent to collate North America's top schools for dance music. We looked at crucial factors like local club life, regional festival access, electronic production choices at the schools of music, on-campus activities and dance music-specific course offerings. We evaluated, ranked, weighted and compared them all to form the first even official list of Best Universities for Electronic Dance Music. Time to hit the books beats. [NOTE: This article was published last year. But we figure it is not out of date. If you disagree with it, add your two cents in our comment section. Mickey Weems, Beachmonkey Editor]

To read the entire article, click here.

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