Diary of an Addict Part 2: End Stigma Through Music

[in this article] you will find some accounts of how people have overcome their mental illnesses, addictions and traumatic events through the common bond of dance music. You will see that each one of them have chosen to have their Facebook’s linked to their testimonials. This is because they like me have decided that enough is enough. The stigma must end, as we do recover. We all fall down, but what separates us is our choice to have gotten back up time and time again…. We have a powerful voice as the electronic music generation. When we speak as one, the world hears us. Now let us shout in unison that we are sick of the stigma. We are the most inclusive family of individuals that has ever existed and it is time we let the world know the importance of what we can do when we are united. To read the rest of this article, click here.

To read the first article, “Diary of An Addict : Drugs in EDM,” click here.

Photo: Mickey Weems

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