Ten Acts That Could Save EDM

Listen up, people. If you still think EDM is exciting and fresh, that's a sign you're a newb. The rest of us have been at this party way past our bedtimes, and we keep checking our watches like, “Are you done yet?”

But just when we were about to pay our tabs and head home for good, all these great acts came out with all these phenomenal releases. We had to do a double-take like, “Wait a minute! This is getting good!”

In the hope that innovation is not dead and copycats can't win, we're clinging to those glimmers of realness, those pillars of the funk, those envelope-pushers old and new, trusting that they'll lead us back to the promised land. If you're looking for a little more soul and a little less commercial garbage, keep an eye on these artists, and don't give up on the getdown. Not today.

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